High School Programs

High School Aged Programs


Academic Coaching

Skill Development and Practice Areas: individualized tutoring program for children of elementary – high school students seeking 1:1 support with classwork, homework, and executive functioning.

Dates and Times: Various, to be arranged between tutor and student

Location: In-person or online, to be arranged between tutor and student

Cost: $450.00 (10 sessions)


WAVE Leadership Program 

Skille Development and Practice Areas: understanding your leadership style, conflict resolution, listening skills, qualities of a strong leader, emotional regulation, emotional support, celebrating your own unique skills and qualities

Dates and Times: Fridays 6:30-7:30 pm (Starting January 27)

Location: LDAO-C Learning Center, 450-1547 Merivale Road (In the Emerald Plaza Tower)

Cost: $225.00 (6 weeks)

Teen Jobfit

Skill Development and Practice Areas: finding your strengths, understanding your Learning Disability accommodations that help you be successful, resume writing, interview skills/mock interviews, how to look for a job that is right for you, habits that help you be successful in the job, workplace etiquette

Dates and Times:  Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 (Starting February 11)

Location: 450-1547 Merivale Road (In the Emerald Plaza Tower)

Cost: $225.00 for 6 weeks

Grade 10 Literacy Test Prep

Skill Development and Practice Areas: reading comprehension, strategies for answering multiple-choice, short answer, essay, newspaper article, and long answer questions. 

Dates and Times: Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00pm (Starting February 4)

Location: LDAO-C Learning Centre 450-1547 Merivale Road. (In the Emerald Plaza Tower)

Cost: $250.00

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