It Takes a Community To Teach Reading


It Takes a Community To Teach Reading

Hello and welcome to the  Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carleton’s first blog post. It has been such an exciting time at LDAO-C.  We have released so many programs, with the most recent being our RISE program. RISE stands for Reading Instruction that Supports Everyone.  It is an Orton Gillingham based program, which means that it has science behind it. We know that when we teach children in a multi sensory, rule based fashion, they are more likely to succeed. There is wonderful literature out there, such as Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz that supports this.

My experience as an educator and now as the Program Specialist at the LDAO-C, has taught me one other key factor in reading success – it take a team, an entire community, to support reading in children with learning disabilities.

 Parents, you are often the first to notice that something doesn’t seem quite right.  Maybe your child can’t rhyme, maybe they struggle with letter sounds, or maybe they just seem to take so much longer and feel so much more frustration than their peers.  Your gut instinct is always right and I applaud you for fighting to get support and for pushing for the programs that work.

Teachers know their students and they know what is typical of many kids. They can often spot reading difficulties very early.  When teachers reach out and share concerns, it allows parents to take the steps they need to get help for their child.  Teachers are also creative forces of nature and can find ways to teach in a manner that works for each child.  Communication is key though.  Teachers and families need to be on the same side and work together.

LDAO-C is a leader in the field of learning disabilities – it’s right in our name!  Not only do we have years of experience as an organization, our staff and Board Members bring in years of individual experience as professionals and/or parents. We have all been there in some capacity, and understand how to help get the resources to the people who need them.

The KDAO-C tutors are such an integral part of our community. They are the ones who show up each session, with fun activities and a plan to make a difference. Most of our tutors are post-secondary students who have a passion for helping others.  They build connections and relationships with the kids, making the kids want to read. That in itself is a major accomplishment!

The kids are always the superstars. They live the frustrations each and every day.  It isn’t easy, and yet after a long day of school, they log on for tutoring, trusting that it will make a difference. They try so hard and we are so proud of them.

Of course, there are so many others who might make up your team: psychologists, speech pathologists, OT’s, EA’s grandparents, siblings, friends.  When we work together, amazing things happen.

We are so honoured to be a part of your team!


Program Specialist

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