Individual 1:1 Programs

Individual 1:1 Tutoring Programs

For questions related to the content of LDAO-C programming, contact our Programs Specialist, Shelley Holloway (

For questions related to the 1:1 tutoring process and getting started, contact our Program Coordinator, Bailey Duff (

RISE Reading

RISE is our in-house scientifically backed Orton Gillingham Reading Program. Orton Gillingham is the gold standard for remediation reading disabilities. Our program is multi-sensory and rule based and builds on skills to help children learn to decode and blend. It also focuses on common spelling rules, taught in an approved OG method. The program also adds in fun reading games and online activities.

Although a few weeks will not close the reading gap and bring children to grade level, it will provide the basic skills needed to tackle reading and understand some of the spelling rules.

Students will be matched with a trained tutor and meet for individual tutoring once or twice a week for a total of 10 sessions. Sessions are 60 minutes in length and take place either in person at our location or online.

Skill Development and Practice Areas: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension

Dates and Times: Various, to be arranged between tutor and student

Location: In-person or online, to be arranged between tutor and student

Cost: $450.00

Jump Math Remediation

Jump Math is an individualized tutoring program for children in Grades 1 to 8 who are performing a minimum of one year behind in the area of math due to a diagnosed, identified, or suspected math disability (dyscalculia) and/or ADHD. Students who are showing signs of math anxiety might also benefit from the program. .

Participants work one-to-one with a trained numeracy tutor to build foundational math skills and computational fluency. Sessions are taught using a combination of direct instruction and engaging math games and activities. Participants are also able to set goals and visualize their progress throughout the program in order to foster math confidence.

Dates and Times: Various, to be arranged between tutor and student

Location: In-person or online, to be arranged between tutor and student

Cost: $450.00

Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching is an individualized tutoring program for children of elementary – high school students seeking 1:1 support with classwork, homework, and executive functioning.

Students will work one-on-one with a trained tutor to build skills, review and relearn subjects, and boost their confidence. Participants are also able to set goals, plan, and visualize their progress throughout the program in order to foster independence and their executive functioning skills.

Dates and Times: Various, to be arranged between tutor and student

Location: In-person or online, to be arranged between tutor and student

Cost: $450.00

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